A plan to address fossil fuels is key for the Climate Ambition Summit 

Latest UN reports show that fossil fuel production plans risk sinking Paris goals - observers from across the world call on governments to tackle fossil fuel production head-on at Paris anniversary summit.  NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec. 9, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- As the 5th...

Latest UN reports show that fossil fuel production plans risk sinking Paris goals – observers from across the world call on governments to tackle fossil fuel production head-on at Paris anniversary summit.  

NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec. 9, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — As the 5th Anniversary of the Paris Agreement approaches, leaders from around the globe call for renewed international cooperation to develop a plan to wind down fossil fuel production consistent with the agreed upon limit of 1.5C of warming and offer a roadmap to achieve it.  

WHAT: Indigenous, government, civil society, youth and academic leaders will offer a press briefing outlining the importance of the issue of fossil fuels to international climate action and steps that can be taken to address their production and proliferation. 

Speakers will cover how the Production Gap (per the United Nations Environment Programme) between plans for coal, oil, and gas and the scientifically agreed carbon budget has grown since the Paris Agreement came into effect and steps that can be taken to close it.   

Panelists will share on-the-ground experiences resisting fossil fuel projects and the need for a coordinated global approach to the danger of fossil fuels with wealthy fossil fuel producing countries leading and enabling nations more dependent on fossil fuels to make an equitable energy and economic transition.  


WHEN: Thursday December 10, 20206:00AM PST/9:00AM EST/2:00pm GMT/5:00PM EAT/7:30PM IST/10:00PM NYT 

WHERE:  https://bit.ly/fossilfuelsandparis 



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